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Nathalie Loiseau EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
Željana Zovko EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
Tineke Strik EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
Hilde Vautmans EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
Özlem Demirel EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
Nathalie Loiseau eudebates the role of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean
Assita Kanko EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
François-Xavier Bellamy EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
Mick Wallace EUdebates turkish illegal actions and stands against Turkey’s aggression
Nathalie Loiseau 15 Sep 2020 plenary speech on Preparation of the Special European Council
European Commission says it will Rethink Position if Turkish Provocations Continue
Carles Puigdemont i Casamajó eudebates the role of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean